Well the journey continues. We made it to Kos marina where we made arrangements to fix the windlass. It was going to take a few days to get the parts so we put in at a marina which is fairly close to downtown.

It was good to take a break but were concerned because we were to meet Russ June 1 and it was at least 2 good days of sailing to get to him. He unfortunately had to cancel his trip so that relieved the pressure. All in all that was good because we didn’t get the part replaced until Thursday and were in Kos seven days all in.
Theo got into a nice routine of going on his own to the local cafĂ© where he’d play on his ipad until we showed up…quite some time later. We’d join him for breakfast and coffee.
We had a few treks into Kos town itself, found a nice butcher near the marina, and rented a car one day so we could go a bit further afield. It is a bit tough when waiting on repairs as they have typically been promised “the next day” and then we are left waiting so we end up making plans later in the day.
On car rental day we decided to go to Therma beach where there is a natural spring that feeds a pool beside the sea. It’s kind of like going to Banff hotsprings except that there is no development around it. You have to walk down a gravel road, pass along the stone beach, and you will find the pool full of tourists. It was pretty cool being in a pool of water separated by the sea from rocks while the waves crashed over the crest. The cool factor was offset a bit by the sulfur smell (well OK you have to expect that), the many tourists there with you, and a pervert on the beach not that far away. After the plunge in the pool, a swim in the sea was required to rinse off sulfur and salt up.

Margaret’s chicken was also very nice and Theo had naturally aspirated chicken fingers. OK they pretty much looked like all other chicken fingers but I had to say something. Paired with local wine from Kos the meal combined with the view was spectacular. All agreed it was worth the drive up switchback roads to get there.

From Kos it is on to Leros.
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